Hi, my name is Hassam Uddin

I like to break things.

My name is Hassam and I’m a Junior at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign pursuing a degree in Computer Science. At UIUC, I lead the team that develops the infrastructure behind ACM. I’m one of the founders of SIGma, an ACM SIG focused on computer science theory, and an admin of SIGPwny, a SIG focused on cybersecurity and the largest educational RSO on campus. I also do research on compilers.

Last summer, I worked as a Software Engineering Intern at Amazon on the Compliance Technology team in Seattle. This summer, I'll be working as a Software intern at IMC Trading in Chicago. I'd love to chat about compilers, distributed systems, theory, or the intersection of any of the above.

If you're in the area and want to grab coffee and chat, feel free to reach out to me.